
你的美食百科英文 你的美食百科英文翻译

ptiyny 07-03 28
你的美食百科英文 你的美食百科英文翻译摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于你的美食百科英文的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍你的美食百科英文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。介绍美食英语?介绍食物以及价格的英...


你的美食百科英文 你的美食百科英文翻译
  1. 介绍美食英语?
  2. 介绍食物以及价格的英语作文初一
  3. 关于介绍当地小吃的英语对话?


Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks.

Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own fl***or, which can be called delicious food.

介绍美食的英语有很多,如美味的Delicious ,可口的Good to eat ,香辣的Alright.,香脆的Crispy ,酸甜可口的Sweet and sour,软糯的Soft waxy 等等


My f***orite fruit is ***le. Now the ***le here is four yuan a kilo, crisp, sweet and delicious, with strong fruit aroma.

你的美食百科英文 你的美食百科英文翻译

In our supermarket, the ordinary bread is about four yuan a kilo, the slightly better bread is ten yuan a kilo, and the price is still relatively high.

The celery here is three yuan a kilo, and the strawberries here are not seasonal fruits, So it's more expensive, about 15 yuan a catty


A: H***e you tried any of the local snacks here?

B: No, I h***en't. What kind of local snacks are ***ailable?

你的美食百科英文 你的美食百科英文翻译

A: There are so many options, from traditional street food to popular snacks from local vendors. You should definitely try the barbecue skewers, fried dumplings, and rice noodle rolls.

B: That sounds delicious! Where can we find these snacks?

A: You can find them at the night market or from street vendors around the city. It's a great way to experience the local food culture.

B: I can't wait to try them all! Thank you for the recommendation.




